Metabolic Types - Pink Dragon

Got your results ... but what do they MEAN?!


Hey! It's Holly here.

Thank you for taking my quiz on your metabolic type.

Your answers gave me all the information I need to help you get your dream body. 

To get the best results on your journey of transformation, there's a few factors you need to consider. 

... And because I really want you to succeed, I made a short description of what each type means, to help you understand and achieve your goals faster.

PDB or Protein Dominant Burner

Getting this result means you probably want to lose 20 pounds or even more …

Women with this type of metabolism are known to have larger bone structure, a round shape and they can gain weight quite easily. Losing it, however, might be hard work. 

Fat tends to accumulate around your belly, thighs, hips … and sometimes your upper arm and lower back areas.

Still, that doesn't make losing weight impossible!

If that is your body type, you have to deal with a slower metabolism. This means that the most crucial thing for your success is to have a balanced diet.

You'll lose weight faster with higher amounts of protein, a moderate amount of healthy fats and a smaller amount of carbohydrates.

This is the formula that can change your life:

  • 40-50 % daily calories from protein,
  • 30-40% from healthy fats
  • and 20-30 % from carbs.
Cut out carbs where possible, because your metabolic type likes to store them as body fat, preventing you to lose weight. 

Let’s take a look at your workout schedule … 

Shorter HIIT workouts combined with strength exercises will work best for your body type. Intervals with high, intense cardio workouts will burn your fat and also help keep you fit and healthy!

DMB or Dual-Macro Burner

Hey, dual-macro burner! 

Here's some information on your metabolic type. You are wanting to lose some extra pounds or just tone up your body.

Many women with this metabolic type have an athletic figure, and maybe even a few pound extra. This fat can accumulate in your lower body, upper arms and back. 
You gain muscle quickly, but unfortunately also gain weight easily. 

Luckily, losing weight won't be hard with the right diet and fitness routine!
Here is what I suggest you look out for: 
  • balanced meals, containing complex carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats
  • more calories from protein intake than any other source, to lose weight
People with this metabolic type have bodies that react quickly to exercise … 

What you need is a cardio and strength workout combo to accelerate your results.

Just check out what Nicole did in 17 days!

TMB or Triple-Macro Burner

Triple-macro burners have light build  and are trying to gain some weight or even define their body. Do you see yourself in this description?

Your body is using protein, fats and carbohydrates as fuel equally.

Protein must be your primary calorie intake, because your body tends to burn muscle and lean mass easily … and that’s where protein comes in handy!

You can get the rest of your daily calorie intake from a combination of complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.

I recommend you eat smaller meals more often … and don’t forget about breakfast!

What about workouts? 

Since you don’t need to lose weight, but instead gain muscle … the most important workouts will be toning and strength. 


Copyright © Holly Dolke - Bodybrand LLC 2022

Disclaimer: The information or the products listed on this website are not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease or ailment. The information on this site is provided for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. Always consult your doctor before doing anything to do with your health. The author of this site is not engaged in rendering professional advice or services to the individual reader. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained within this work are not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. The author shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestions within this blog. You, as a reader of this website, are totally and completely responsible for your own health and healthcare. This post is in no way sponsored or associated with Facebook....

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