“I look disgusting…”

“I FEEL disgusting”, Rebecca sobbed to me on my living room floor.

I couldn’t help but feel like it was all my fault…

Even though she hadn’t been telling me the whole truth.

Still, she was one of my best friends…

And I knew that if anyone was gonna fix this mess…

It was going to have to be me.

I’ll get into the full story of what happened to my dear friend Rebecca in just a second.

But first, since you’re reading this right now…

Chances are you struggle to lose weight, too.

Maybe in the past you’ve gotten into a groove working out consistently…

And you’ve managed to keep it up for a short time…

Until your body inevitably gets exhausted by how much you’re pushing it.

When you look in the mirror…

Your body doesn’t look that much different to when you didn’t exercise as much…

And the scales might even be telling you that you’ve gained weight.

It’s enough to ask yourself, “Why do I even bother?

And quit entirely.

Only to regain the same 10 lbs you’ve frustratingly lost 10 times before!

Trust me, I get it.

And I need you to know that…

None Of It Is Your Fault!

How do I know that for sure?

Well, because I’ve seen firsthand how women go through gruelling hour long workouts…

Several times a week…

And still can’t manage to lose any weight.

But you see…

All of this led to my discovery that gets to the root cause of why stubborn fat won’t melt…

And it will only take you 10-seconds to incorporate it into your daily routine.

You see, it all started with my client and lifelong friend, Rebecca…

Who I was training back in 2018.

Apart from being one of my best friends…

She was also an ideal client.

The type to take onboard all of my recommendations for how she can lose weight…

And she never came back with any excuses.


After a few months, things started to take a dark turn for Rebecca…

Because there was something she was hiding from me…

That if I had known sooner…

I would have done everything in my power to have never have let her try in the first place!

You see, there was something in her diet that had the potential to switch on her body’s fat-burning mode…

But, Rebecca didn’t realise that contrary to what a lot of people believe…

There’s One Thing You NEVER Want To Feed Your Body If You Want Any Chance Of Losing Weight!

And I know what you’re thinking...

“So… what does this have to do with me?”

Well, if you’ve been feeling like:

  • No matter how much you exercise you don’t see a difference in your body...

  • You store fat in your tummy, thighs and face...

  • You’re always tired and rarely want to workout…

  • Even though you eat “healthy” and keep active, you end up gaining weight…

Then chances are you’re making the same mistake Rebecca did, too.

Because the thing is…

It’s very easy to make this common mistake.

I spoke to hundreds of other women who were doing the exact same thing…

And - unsurprisingly - couldn’t lose weight, felt low on energy…

And were storing fat in all the unattractive and harmful places!

Listen, if you’re at all skeptical then I understand…

I was when I saw what was happening to my friend.

But, what this all led me to discover helped Rebecca lose all the fat she had gained…

And even more!

It’s been proven to work for all women of any age…

Whether you’re 25 or 65.

And what I have to tell you has been nicknamed

“my little fat-blasting miracle”...

By everyone who’s been lucky enough to get their hands on it.

Just look at the before and after of Rebecca…

Who managed to lose
7 lbs in just 3-days…

And most importantly, FEELS incredible now.

It’s like seeing a completely different person!

Back In 2018,
My Best Friend Hit Her Rock Bottom

She had always been a little overweight…

But she was always gorgeous to me.

Nonetheless, she had seen the thousands of women’s lives I’d changed through my workout programs…

So she insisted that I train her 1-on-1.

I would do anything for this girl, so of course, I agreed.

Every week she would come by my house…

And in the beginning, she was the perfect client.

If I told her to work out for 15-minutes, 3X per week

She did it.

If I recommended she eat different types of food to improve her nutrient intake…

She would do that, too.

But, even though she was eating a super varied diet…

Chicken breast, turkey mince, eggs, cruciferous vegetables, sweet potatoes…

She still wasn’t burning as much fat as I was hoping for.

And her energy when she’d meet me for our weekly sessions were starting to dwindle.

Plus, I didn’t want to say it…

But I had noticed her tummy was even rounder and softer than when we’d first started!

I was confused.

Because I believe in the effectiveness of my small muscle method 1,000%!

So, not wanting to be rude…

I simply asked if she had changed her diet in any way…

Or if she’d been slacking on the workout plan I created for her to do at home.

I didn’t want to come out and say that she had clearly put on even more weight…

But, I didn’t have to say it.

Rebecca knew.

She burst into tears right in front of me…

And told me that since I recommended eating a good amount of protein to help her burn more fat…

She felt like a failure…

Because her work schedule didn’t leave her enough time to be able to cook or eat that often.


She Decided To Use A Popular Protein Shake She’d Seen Advertised
All Over Instagram…

By influencers with the “perfectslim and toned figure…

All claiming they’d managed to get their dreamlike body by drinking the stuff!


The truth was, ever since she started drinking this protein powder herself…

Her weight had ballooned in size!

None of her jeans fit her anymore…

And she felt even more drained and exhausted than she did before she started training with me!

In a way, I blamed myself.

My friend was on my living room floor crying her eyes out…

Feeling helpless and all out of answers…

Because I was the one who told her to up her protein intake.

I couldn’t believe this was happening…

But, at that very moment I promised to her that I was going to fix it.

What’s crazy is that at the time, I was being asked by countless protein powder brands to help promote their stuff.

I have no doubt that you would have heard of them, if I told you the names.

So, it was the perfect opportunity for me to dig deeper into what exactly was the cause of my friend’s weight gain…

And lack of energy!

You see, after months of going back and forth with these brands…

And doing my own due diligence, by digging into research online…

I found that...

Protein Keeps Your Metabolism High And Burns Fat Even As You Sleep...¹

I knew this already…

Which is why I had recommended Rebecca to up her protein intake in the first place.

High amounts of protein are key to making sure everything underneath your fat actually looks good…

Because without it, you’re not guaranteed to look fit and lean.

The way this works is by the very act of digesting and metabolising protein…

As it uses up more of your calories!

It’s referred to as the “Thermic Effect Of Food”...

Which essentially means that long after you’ve finished eating your food…

Your body continues to burn calories around the clock…

Even whilst you sleep.

Not bad for a simple protein shake!

But this is where it gets interesting…

Because, scientists at Harvard have proven that…

It’s Actually Amino Acids That Are Protein’s Muscle Building Blocks…
And That Is Really To Thank
For Your Fat Loss!2

Without the complete amino acid profile that makes up the protein…

The protein shake would be pointless.

It’d be like drinking from a cup that looks full…

When in reality there’s a hole in the bottom that’s leaking everything out!

Which leads me onto the #1 way thousands, maybe millions, of women are being misled…

And are venturing down a road that’s actually the cause of their weight gain!

Scientists At Harvard Found That…
Many Popular Protein Powders
Contain Toxic Metals!3

  • Like lead, arsenic, cadmium,
    mercury, pesticides…
  • Bisphenol-A, most commonly
    known as BPA…
  • And other contaminants that have been linked to
    cancer and other serious health conditions.

When I researched this…

Suddenly, everything began making sense.

You see, toxins that build up inside your body make you hold onto fat for dear life!


Because your body is very clever.

If harmful toxins are swimming around inside of you…

Your organs are at risk of some serious damage.


The Very Building Blocks Of Protein
That Help You Switch On Your Body’s
Fat-Burning Metabolism…

Weren’t Even Bio-Available
In These Powders!

I was shocked.

But I can’t lie, I was also relieved.

Because I had cracked why these protein powders weren’t working for my friend.

The thing is, I now had the information of WHY they didn’t work…

But it still left me with the dilemma of helping her up her protein intake…

In a safe, non-toxic way…

So that she could benefit from the fat-blasting potential of protein.

Because the problem still remained…

She didn’t have enough time to cook, let alone eat enough protein everyday....

But I didn’t feel comfortable letting her go back out there and buy more of the same junk protein powders on the market.


I decided to take matters
into my own hands!

I set out to create my own protein powder.

Something that actually had a complete amino acid profile…

That only contained the highest-quality ingredients and no harmful toxins…

And that tasted delicious!

And help your muscles repair and recharge for continued optimal performance.

I’m so pleased to tell you that after a year of trialling different formulations...

We did it!

And it’s called…

Pink Dragon Lean Protein

The Most High Quality
Fat-Blasting Protein Powder Ever Made!

You have a fat-burning switch that is laying dormant inside your body right now as you read this!

But the thing is, your body can’t flick the switch to turn on the fat-burn mode all by itself.

You see, for your body to tap into its greatest fat-busting potential

9 Essential

Amino Acids Are Critical!

For Your…4

  • Fat And Muscle

  • Proper Immune

  • Muscle Repair
    And Growth

  • Blood Sugar Level Regulation - So You Can Curb

  • Cravings And

  • Collagen Production - For Skin Elasticity

  • Healthy Digestion - To Prevent Bloating And Constipation

  • Sleep-Wake Cycles - To Have A Restful Night’S Sleep And Wake Up Feeling Rejuvenated

The tricky thing is, even though our bodies are incredibly smart…

Not my body, or your body, or anyone’s body can create these amino acids on their own.5

We must get them from our food!

But... to absorb all 9 essential amino acids from food…

Would take eating every minute, of every hour, of every day!

It’s impossible!

And it’s also why women who try to lose weight by fasting…

Or following restrictive diets like Atkins, Keto or Paleo…

Always fail!

Because science proves that it can’t work...

We All Need Nutrients From
Food To Build A Complete
Amino Acid Profile

Without it, you :

  • Slow down your metabolism and stop
    losing weight…
  • Undoubtedly run yourself down because you weaken your immunity…
  • Plateau, since your muscles can’t recharge or grow after a workout..
  • Hit an all-time cravings high because you can’t regulate your blood sugar levels!

But, it’s not as simple as slurping on any protein powder to try and fix that.

With the rise of health food companies on the lookout for their next dollar…

There are more unhealthy protein powders on the market than there are good

Pumped with harmful sugars, toxins and allergens that constipate you

Leaving you with severe digestive discomfort…

And even worse… make you gain weight!

But the craziest part
of it all, is…

A Lot Of The
Protein Powders Out There...

Don’t Even Have A
Complete Amino Acid Profile!

Know why that is?

Well, it’s simple.

These billion dollar health food companies don’t want to part ways with their cash

So they don’t invest in sourcing the best ingredients.

It’s the very reason why when I spoke to my team about creating my own protein powder…

told them that we weren’t going to go into this decision lightly.

We were only going to use the highest quality ingredients

That taste so delicious you genuinely want to drink it every single day.

And most of all…

It had to be able to back up its claim in being a
fat-burning powerhouse

Without any nasty side effects like bloating, constipation or weight gain.

And I won’t lie to you…

It took a lot of wrong batches until we finally got it right.

My team and I went around the world, checking out different facilities…

Making sure not only the ingredients sourced were of the highest quality

But the facility the protein powder was produced in was of the most optimal standard.

A year of research went into deciding the
different strands of protein…

Until we finally blended the perfect combination

That has a complete amino acid profile…

To finally get your body tapped into its optimal
fat-burning state…

Without the constipation or stomach ache found
in whey or soy proteins…

All because…

We Have Crafted An Incredibly Smooth
Blend Of Pea, Hemp And Rice Protein!

Creating a protein powder that didn’t taste chalky and gritty like whey was crucial...

And I’m so happy to have found the perfect blend!

Using vegan and hypo-allergenic plant-based protein…

It means that, unlike other protein powders on the market that don’t contain a complete
amino acid profile…

This Protein Powder Contains All 9:

  • Phenylalanineplays an integral role in the structure and function of proteins 6
  • Valinehelps stimulate muscle growth and is involved in producing the body’s energy 7
  • Threonineimportant part of proteins like collagen and plays a huge role in fat metabolism and immune function 8
  • Tryptophanneeded to regulate your appetite, sleep and mood 9
  • Methionineplays a crucial role in metabolism and the absorption of minerals vital for your health10
  • Leucinecritical for muscle repair and helping to regulate
    blood sugar levels 11
  • Isoleucineinvolved in muscle metabolism and heavily concentrated in muscle tissue 12
  • Lysineimportant for producing the body’s energy, collagen and healthy immune function 13
  • Histidinevital for immune response, digestion, sleep-wake cycles and protecting your nerve cells 14

Your body cannot produce these amino acids on its own!

But now, with this protein powder

The job of digesting them from food couldn’t be any easier.

It makes your potential for melting your total body fat exponential…

Since it has all the essential amino acids it needs…

To be able to create a thermic effect that rapidly burns up calories…

For hours long after you finish working out!

But, of course…

It’s not just about melting away body fat.

This special blend of plant-based protein provides
you with a guaranteed way to aid muscle growth… 1516

Improve heart health… 1718

All while keeping you fuller for longer, because of the ample amounts of
fiber this adds to your diet! 19

And, unlike other protein powders which can be constipating…

This blend takes away all that unease and discomfort.

In fact, it actually helps improve your bowel movements20

Making them more frequent and easier to pass…

Again, all thanks to its high and insoluble fiber content!

Let’s take a look at each of the plant-based proteins…

That makes up this rocket fuel of a protein drink, shall we?

Energy Charging Pea Protein

  • Made by extracting protein from yellow peas
  • Rich In Iron - a mineral at least 10% of American women are deficient in21
  • Muscle Growth - In one 12-week study, men who drank 50g of pea protein per day gained the same amount of muscle as those taking whey protein22
  • Curbs Hunger Pangs - Promotes the same feeling of fullness as dairy-based protein powders like casein or whey

Fat Blasting Rice Protein

  • Aids Digestion - High bioavailability and absorbity make it easily digestible. Meaning no bloat, gas, cramping or digestive discomfort23
  • Fat-Fighter - Peptides found in rice protein are the most effective at reducing weight gain!24

Body Healing Hemp Protein

  • Made by grinding pressed hemp seeds into a fine powder
  • High Mineral Content - Rich source of magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and copper 25
  • Incredible Antioxidant - Strong antioxidant properties help protect your body from chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes 26
  • Health-Boost - Great source of essential fatty acids, like omega-3, which can only be absorbed through food - crucial for long-term health! 27

And even though these plant-based proteins are a powerhouse all on their own…

I didn’t want to stop there.

Because I knew the benefits you’d get from me blending this protein powder with superfoods would be life-changing!

So to help you get the most out of just one simple drink…

I’ve Infused
Plant-Based Protein With Healing Superfoods To Skyrocket
Your Fat Burning Potential!

To make sure you get the maximum nutrition from this single drink…

I carefully selected the most powerful superfoods on this earth…

And infused them with the best plant-based proteins that can be sourced to create a truly unique formula.


The Single Most Nutritious
Superfood On The Planet!

Grown around the world from Mexico... to Africa... to even Hawaii

Spirulina is globally renowned for its intense flavour and an even more powerful nutrition profile!

This blue-green algae is a freshwater plant and the most talked about superfoods today…

For one simple reason…

When taken on a daily basis it can completely restore and revitalize your health!

To date, there’s over 1,800 peer-reviewed scientific articles evaluating the health benefits of spirulina… 28

Since there’s a lot of healing properties in the miracle algae.

It’s packed with
nutrients like: 29

  • Protein…
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine)...
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)...
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin)...
  • Copper…
  • Iron…
  • Magnesium…
  • Potassium…
  • Manganese…

...and small amounts of every other
nutrient you could possibly need!

Spirulina even helps rebalance the gut… 30

Creating a healthy microflora that prevents sickness and disease.

Its main active component is called phycocyanin

Which essentially fights free radicals in the body…

Preventing muscle damage and over-exhaustion from
intense workouts

Meaning you can finally stick to your fitness
schedule - phew!

Not to mention…

Daily spirulina supplementation has been found to create a
significant increase in exercise performance31

And… is incredible for breaking down stubborn fat cells!


The #1 Thyroid Healing
Superfood (& Fat Fighter!)

But first, I want to ask you something...

Do you eat enough iodine?

The reason I ask is because, even though it seems random…

It’s a very important question.

You see, iodine is a vital
nutrient that helps:

  • Support a healthy thyroid…
    Protect against certain kinds of
  • Promote healthy muscle

...and even supports the maintenance
of a well-functioning brain!

Well, the good news is…

Kelp contains an extremely high level
of iodine (up to 2,984 micrograms!)… 32

Making it the best way you can possibly find on this earth to maintain a healthy iodine level.

And, thanks to its fucoxanthin protein

It has special fat-fighting properties that have been
shown to reduce fat tissue!

In one study, results found that kelp reduces over
processed fat
from storing in the body…

And is a vital factor in helping the body force stubborn fat out.

Talk about packing a punch in one drink!

But… we’re not over yet.

Because this protein powder is infused with another algae superfood


To Rejuvenate Every Cell In Your Body!

Sure, this seaweed superfood contains small amounts of : 34

  • Vitamin A...
  • Vitamin C...
  • Vitamin E...
  • Vitamin K...
  • Folate...
  • Zinc...
  • Sodium...
  • Calcium…

...and magnesium

Dulse has 13.5X the antioxidant
capacity of Vitamin E! 30

What does that mean for you, exactly?

Well, Vitamin E is often used in skin creams since it helps heal and reduce scarring…

All because of its antioxidant properties that protect cells against the effects of free radicals.

So, since Dulse holds over 10X the antioxidant potency of Vitamin E…

It means with every sip of this protein powder you’ll be rejuvenating every cell in your body!

And, that’s not all.

Because... dulse is also considered to have anti-obesity effects!

Several studies suggest that there’s a substance in seaweed called fucoxanthin

That helps reduce body fat.

And if that wasn’t enough…

The fiber in seaweed has been suggested to slow stomach emptying, too…

Helping you to feel fuller for longer and delaying hunger pangs

So you can hold back from overindulging after a sweaty workout…

And allow your body to do its job by burning the excess calories!

Phew -- that’s a lot.

But at last… we’re onto the final in the list of superfood powerhouses…

Chia Seed…

Harvard Calls This The Richest Plant Source Of Omega-3 On The Planet! 37

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids…

Fiber… Protein… Calcium… Phosphorus… and Zinc…

Chia seeds may be small but they pack a mighty punch!

The fiber in chia seeds help lower cholesterol and slow down digestion

Both prevent blood sugar spikes after eating a meal…

And give you the feeling of being full, stopping the urge for a midnight fridge binge!

Which nicely leads me on to the star of the show...

And what I know you’re gonna *love* because Pink Dragon Lean Protein tastes like…

Decadent Chocolatey Goodness Without The Gunk & Unhealthy Sugars!

This isn’t your average cocoa powder that you’ll find on the shelves in supermarkets.

Because this cocoa is refined sugar free!

Meaning not only are your tastebuds getting a chocolatey delight every time the cocoa touches your lips…

But you’re only getting the nutrients from cocoa that:

  • improve your skin elasticity... 38
  • protect your body
    from injury... 39
  • keep you feeling fuller for longer... 40
  • boost your mood (even during PMS!)... 41

...and improve your sleep! 42

Listen, I wasn’t joking when I said that this was the greatest protein powder out there.

And you can also sleep easy at night, knowing that...

Pink Dragon Lean Protein is…

  • Free from unhealthy sugars and toxic metals like other protein powders…
  • Blended in a non-GMO facility…
  • High-quality processing methods...
  • Vegan, vegetarian, paleo and keto friendly…
  • Soy, dairy and gluten-free...
  • Tastes more like a chocolatey dessert than protein...
  • 100% guilt-free!

I’ve blended the healthiest and yummiest plant-based protein powder…

To unlock your ultimate fat-burning potential by nourishing your body with a complete amino acid profile...

Along with other health-boosting superfoods!

With this irresistible chocolate formula you can indulge your taste buds everyday…

In sweet treats like:

  • Gooey fudge brownies…
  • Pancake mixes…
  • Velvety hot chocolate
  • ...and of course, a simple protein shake!

Just one scoop a day will fuel your
body with everything you need to…

Feel The Best
You Have In Years!

And if you’re reading this right now…

Then you’re in luck!

Because it means we still have some Pink Dragon Lean Protein in stock.

But… since this protein powder is packed with high-quality superfoods

We don’t have an endless supply.

So if you’d like one, get yours today before it runs out!


Pink Dragon Lean Protein
Will Help You*…

  • Build and repair lean muscles... 4344
  • Burn more calories after a workout... 45
  • Melt fat rather than store it... 46
  • Help lower your chance of chronic illness due to high-antioxidants... 47
  • Feel fuller for longer because of the increased fiber... 4849
  • Improve bowel movements... 50
  • Reduce fatigue and enhance alertness... 5152
  • Improve mood by increasing the feel-good chemical, serotonin... 5354
  • Produce more collagen to improve skin wrinkles and elasticity... 5556
  • Maintain healthy blood sugar levels to curb cravings... 5758
  • Feel well rested as a result of a proper sleep-wake cycle... 5960
  • Boost mood during that time of the month... 61
  • Significantly increase exercise performance... 62
  • Support a healthy thyroid... 63
  • Create denser bones that aren’t as easy to injure... 64
  • Strengthen immune function... 62
  • Properly absorb minerals vital to your health... 63

Feel And Look Like The Best Version

Of You For Just $24.99-A-Bottle With
A 6-Month Supply!

And I know what you’re thinking…

That surely, with all the added benefits of plant-based protein, superfoods and sugar-free cocoa…

That this protein powder is gonna cost you a fortune!

Well, listen to this… You can get this high-quality protein powder today, for nowhere near what you're thinking.

Because if I’m honest…

This isn't about money for me.

When I set out to create this protein powder

It was because I know what it’s like to helplessly watch as your weight piles on…

Even though you do everything “right”, like eating healthy and working out regularly.

I don’t want you to ever suffer like that again…

Because now, I’ve found the miracle protein blend

That feeds your body all the nutrients it needs to unlock your optimal fat-burning potential!

And for that reason, I want Pink Dragon Lean Protein to get into the hands of as many people as possible…

Because I know firsthand how powerful this stuff is… and delicious!

That's why today, I'm not going to ask for hundreds of $$$...

Even though I’ve been recommended to.

I’m not even gonna ask for half of that.

Because the last thing I want is for price to stand in your way of getting this today.

Right now, you can get a 30-day Bottle for a simple one time fee…

Of just $39.99.

But, before you order…

Research Shows That If You
Want To Get Optimal Results From Protein Powder…

It’s Best To Take It For At
90 - 180 Days

That way, you’re guaranteed to reach your desired weight and actually maintain it!

So, because I want you to get the most life-changing results…

Today I’m going to let you order a 90-day supply…

For just $34.99-a-Bottle!

Or, the 180-day supply…

For an insanely discounted $24.99-a-Bottle!

But like I say…

I’m Only Able To Guarantee
This Special Pricing Today…

And if you want to secure this protein powder you need to be fast as inventory will run out soon!

Just to be clear…

You won’t be able to get this discounted price at any other time…

And you can’t find this protein powder stocked anywhere else.

That’s part of the reason why I’m even able to offer this special price today

Because I've eliminated all middlemen…

So that when you make an order today it will get shipped directly to you right away.

And rest assured, this is a one-time payment.

There are no hidden charges or subscription fees whatsoever.

I've always hated that stuff!

Best Value
6 Month Supply

  • $24.

  • 99


For 180 Days

37.5% Discount

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Free US Shipping

Great Value
3 Month Supply

  • $34.

  • 99


For 90 Days

12.5% Discount

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Free US Shipping

Good Value
1 Month Supply

  • $39.

  • 99


For 30 Days

15% Discount

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Free US Shipping

No thanks, I don’t want it

Also, I want to reassure you that your order today is 100% risk-free.

That’s because you're protected by our…

Money-Back Guarantee…
If You Don’t Love It, You Don’t Pay!

That means from the day you receive your Pink Dragon Lean Protein

You have a full 60-day window to drink it, eat it and see how much you love it!

I want you to watch as your zest for life reappears…

Your trousers start to loosen around your waist…

And your skin glows!

All by drinking chocolatey goodness that
tastes so delicious you feel like it must be bad!

And if you don’t fall in love with it, though I’m certain you will...

Then you can return it and get your money back in full!

Sound good?

If so…

Best Value
6 Month Supply

  • $24.

  • 99


For 180 Days

37.5% Discount

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Free US Shipping

Great Value
3 Month Supply

  • $34.

  • 99


For 90 Days

12.5% Discount

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Free US Shipping

Good Value
1 Month Supply

  • $39.

  • 99


For 30 Days

15% Discount

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Free US Shipping

No thanks, I don’t want it

Feel And Look Like
The Best Version Of You For

Just $24.99-A-Bottle

Offering the multi bundles at these heavy discounts is crazy…

Because I’m actually losing money at these low prices.

But, I’m confident you’re gonna fall in love with the weight loss results and gorgeous taste so much…

That you’ll become a customer for life!

So, if YOU want to take advantage of today’s special price

Simply click one of the bundle packages below and you’ll be taken to the secure order form…

Where you can fill in your shipping address, then sit back and wait as we get it sent out right away…

So YOU can experience the delight of
Pink Dragon Lean Protein in just a few short days from now.

Best Value
6 Month Supply

  • $24.

  • 99


For 180 Days

37.5% Discount

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Free US Shipping

Great Value
3 Month Supply

  • $34.

  • 99


For 90 Days

12.5% Discount

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Free US Shipping

Good Value
1 Month Supply

  • $39.

  • 99


For 30 Days

15% Discount

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Free US Shipping

No thanks, I don’t want it

Also, I want to reassure you that your order today is 100% risk-free.